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We care for patient who can not visit our place, Exclusive service for them through e Clinic. We provide many treatment plans and medicine for our patient. Through e Clinic it will be easy to get treatment as in our place. Patient from other country, states, prefer this way.
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I am Nikita Darji 20 yrs old from Anand now in USA. My height was not increasing so good and I was dissatisfied with my height, furthermore it was stopped after 18 yrs of age. I consulted Dr. Urmika Thoria for Height Increasing Homoeopathic Medicine and surprisingly my height increase 12.5 cm in just 6 months. Thanks to Dr. Urmika Thoria.

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My MRI report mention that I had bulging and herniation of Disc in L5-S1 vertebrae, duo to this I used to suffer from back pain. Orthopaedic doctors and Neuro Surgeons advised me for Surgery. I was afraid by the suggestion and I consulted for 2nd opinion to Dr. Urmikaben. She diagnosed and said there was no need of Surgery. I started her treatment, all my back pain problems was cured successfully.

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I am 35 yrs old. I was having regular problem of dust allergy and sneezing. I had consulted many MD doctors and Physicions, finally I had consulted to Dr. Urmika for my allergic problem. After taking regular medicines it was like a miracle for me. My allergic problem was almost cured. I am able to breath smooth without any problem. Thanks to Dr. Urmikaben.

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I am 52 yrs old and suffering from Psoriasis all over body since last 10 yrs. The silver plaque was on almost all over body and terrible itching especially at night. I had consulted many skin specialists and used lots of Medicines, Lotions, Oils etc, but no improvement. I was tired of my life. Finally I consulted Dr. Urmika Thoria and by her homoeopathic treatment I get rid from Psoriasis. After 10 yrs I saw my original skin. Thanks a lot to Dr. Urmikaben.

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My daughter was suffering from allergy problem like dust, cold, smoke etc. since childhood. We had undergone for taken many treatments for her. Injections and Nebulizers were routine, but no relief. Now she was cured by Homoeopathic treatment of Dr. Urmikaben. Her medicines were really made of research and experiences.

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I am Kirtan 19 yrs from Canada . My height was stopped after 17 Yrs of age. At the age of 18 I had started the course of Height Increasing Medicine of Dr. Urmikaben and my height increased 3 cms, it much satisfied to me.

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I am Manthan 13 yrs old. I had some height problem. I was shortest boy in my classroom. So I started treatment of Dr. Urmikaben and in just 6 months my Height increased 9 cms. I am thankful to her.

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I am 20 yrs old. I had allergy from dust, smoke, cold water, ice, chocolates etc. I was suffering from lots of trouble. I had started costly treatment to get cure but day by day I got in more trouble and pain. No effective result of medicines and Nebulizer was increasing. When I came to know about Dr. Urmika’s Homoeopathic Medicine, I had consulted her and started taking medicines. It was unbelievable that my Nebulizer was of no use for me. No side effect in body. I am almost cured by Dr. Urmika’s Homoeopathic Medicine.

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My age is 50 yrs and weight is 115 kg. I was suffering from extreme back pain duo to which it was difficult for me to do work and take turn on bed. MRI report mention disc herniation of L4-L5, L5-S1. My nerve was pressurized and lot of pain was there. It was a great day when I had started Homoeopathic treatment of Dr. Urmikaben. Treatment and exercises given by her give me a great relief from back pain. So I give full credit to her.

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I was suffering from numbness in my leg and severe back pain. My body was bend on right side. Dr. Urmikaben had given excellent treatment and exercise. Rightnow I am free from back pain, numbness and my body is now straight.

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My name is Rohit 20 yrs old from Ahmedabad, had problem of short height, but after taking treatment from Dr. Urmika’s Height Increasing Homoeopathic Medicine my Height increased 10 cms. Thanks to her.

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I Ravi 19 yrs old, duo to some hormonal deficiency my body looks Short Stature. I had started very expensive hormonal treatment, my height increased 3 cms in 1 year. Though treatment is very expensive and painful I started Dr. Urmika’s Homoeopathic treatment and happily my Height increased 5 cms in 6 months.
Thanks a lot to Dr. Urmika Thoria.

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I Mithilesh 16 yrs old suffering from Thyroid problem and so I had also some Height problem, but after taking medicine from Dr. Urmika’s Hohoeopathic Clinic my height increase 16.5 cms in just 2 course.

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In earthquake of Gujarat, I was luckily alive, but 2 days I was sucked in slab, duo to that I had Spinal cord Convexity on my right side. I had extreme back pain and numbness in my legs. Consulted many Orthopaedic doctors, I did not get relief in my pain. My friend suggested me to consult Dr. Urmika Thoria. Her medicines and exercises had successfully cured my problem of back pain and numbness.

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Bulging and herniated disc problem was in L1-L2, L2-L3, L4-L5 vertebrae. There were many degenerative changes in my spinal cord. Lot of pain duo to which I was not able to do work, stand, walk without anyone’s support. Other doctors suggested surgical treatment. Dr. Urmika cured it without operation. I am really thankful to her.

Makvana Anil
My name is Anil makvana , 22 yrs old. With the help of Dr Urmika ma’am’s height increasing Homoeopathic Medicine , my height increase 4cms.
Simran Solanki
I tried Hair and Face medicine….. And i got very much effective result… And i am 100% satisfied…. Thanku madam……. Plz visit dr urmikas homeopathic clinic……😊
Umesh Parmar
I am very happy to grow my height and I setisfay with dr.urmikas medicine Thank you dr.urmika Mem 🙂🙂
Ravi Sakariya
Dr.Urmikas clinic is very neett and clean.
Very Cooperative staff.
Treatment is effective and affordable.
Best treatment in Rajkot.
Parmar Vishal
I am satisfied with Dr urmikas homeopathic treatment 🤗🤗🤗🤗